FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT:John Rafacz, or Sara FaiolaFaiola Davis Public RelationsPhone: (310) 248-5454john@fdpr.com or sara@fdpr.com For the First Time, International Businesses and Consumers can
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT:Lava2140, LLCDonna JackleyPhone: 877.LAVA2140Direct: 480.836.8788djackley@lava2140.com InternetSpeechJohn Rafacz, or Sara FaiolaFaiola Davis Public RelationsPhone: (310) 248-5454john@fdpr.com or sara@fdpr.com LOS ANGELES – April
CONTACT:InternetSpeechLou Saviano – Maita/Saviano Public Relations510 739-0620Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com eBizPortals, Inc.Brad Reinard408-845-9302brad@ebizportals.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:March 1, 2001 Company Also Will Deal Will Allow netECHO™
CONTACT:Lou SavianoMaita/Saviano Public Relations510 739-0620Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:February 19, 2001Internet World Wireless 2001Booth 1042 Company Also Will Show How To Use the
January 23, 2001 CONTACTS:Lou SavianoMaita/Saviano Public Relations510 739-0621Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com Laurie SpoonPublic Relations – Selectica408-545-2492lsoppn@selectica.com San Jose, CA — January 23, 2001 — InternetSpeech,
November 6, 2000 CONTACTS:Lou SavianoMaita/Saviano Public Relations510 739-0621Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com New Service Provides Voice Access to the Entire Internet, to Search for Information, Check
August 30, 2000 CONTACTS:Lou SavianoMaita/Saviano Public Relations510 739-0621Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com Dr. Mark MannIntegrated Opportunities405-606-2008mmann@io-group.com User-owned Utilities Will Have Opportunity to Offer Consumers Ability to
August 1, 2000 CONTACTS: InternetSpeech.comLou Saviano: 510 739-0621Lsaviano@maita-saviano.com netECHO™ Business’ Automated Technology is Faster,Less Expensive than Existing Alternatives San Jose, CA —
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